rolling stones red skelton hour tv 1964video


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August 5, 1964: The Stones tape an appearance from the Palladium in London for American TV show Red Skelton Hour (CBS), doing 3 songs (all in playback mode): Tell Me/ Carol/ It’s All Over Now

*This provides a glimpse into the Stones’ appearance on the Red Skelton Show in 1964. It captures the freedom the band had in selecting and performing songs compared to the Beatles at the time. The production creates a dense and cavernous sound that reflects the atmosphere of the band’s performances. The video of the performance is included for readers to watch.


From the Rock Pasta: “That Time The Rolling Stones Amazed The Red Skelton Show In 1964”
Imagine that you are in the United States in early 1964 and witnessing the Rolling Stones rock The Red Skelton Show. The Stones had much more freedom in selecting and performing the songs during live performances than the Beatles did with their discography at the time.
Even the sound of the Stones, including the production, is not far from the sound they must have had in the London slums and bars where the quintet performed. The record smells of whiskey, of the cigar, of a club on the outskirts where people gather to get drunk and laugh at the world as only they know.
Well, with the help of the production the group managed to create the atmospheres. The sound is hollow, cavernous, dense. In the video below, The Stones performed It’s All Over Now, from the band’s second album, 12×5.
‘It’s All Over Now’ has a magnificent beginning and a sound that is slightly closer to pop and country rock, in addition to the always energetic Keith Richards guitar solo that is worth highlighting here.


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