rolling stones charlie watts quote crawdaddyQuotes

ROLLING STONES QUOTES -Charlie Watts on the Stones’ early shows at the Crawdaddy

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Charlie Watts on the Stones’ early shows at the Crawdaddy

“At Richmond we became sort of a cult, in a way. Not because of us, it just happens… There were so many people, and because there was no room to dance they used to invent ridiculous dances. There was no room for Mick to dance onstage and he used to just wiggle his arse, which sort of made… I don’t know, but… it was lovely… I mean the Crawdaddy was like – it was nice to have a dance. It was nice to be there, and the Crawdaddy was always like that. That was really the best time for response of them all. I mean, it got a bit wearing, if you did the same set, and you knew at a certain time everything would explode. And sure enough it always did, and it always ended up in an absolute… gyrating… riot.”


rolling stones early show crawdaddy charlie watts quote


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